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Words are Powerful

Words can be impulses. The right words at the right time can trigger great changes and open up new directions. That's why I write regularly - books and articles. Agility has so many exciting aspects, it would be a pitty not to write about it.

Meine Bücher im Überblick

Words, language and writing are my world. For me, there is nothing better than analyzing topics and bringing them in an easy way «to the essence». Writing is like meditation for me. Together with the Haufe Verlag, I have published two books about agility. Are you interested and do you want to have a look? If so, you can request a sample from me at any time. I hope you enjoy reading.

Enjoy reading!

Book: «Ziel: Agil»

Often I was asked if there is good literature on how to introduce an agile way of working and thinking. A kind of «guide to agile from A to Z». That did not exist until now. With my book «Ziel: Agil» I close exactly this gap in the literature. Enjoy reading it!

Viel Freude beim Lesen.

Pocket guide: «Hybrid Meetings»

Hybrid meetings are a reality: Andrea Heitmann and I have written a pocket guide to help you organize and run hybrid meetings. We show you what opportunities hybrid meetings offer - and what the basic rules are for implementation.

Publications in Journals

In addition to writing books, I also like to publish in various business journals, such as managerSeminare. Here I focus on current and «hot» topics around agility. If you are interested, you can download my published articles for free. I hope you enjoy reading them and of course I'm always happy to receive your feedback or ideas.

Don`t be a Scrum Mum

Scrum is a popular gateway into the agile working world for teams that want to become agile. In fact, the method can help build an agile understanding of leadership and anchor agile principles - provided it is implemented correctly. However, this is far from always the case. Of all things, the role of the Scrum Master is often treated inadequately and misunderstood as a mentoring service. The consequence: The Scrum Master mutates into an agile «brake».

This article is published in August 2023 by managerSeminare.

Top-down agile - agilization as a classic change process

We are in a state of permanent change. Stability? An antiquated state. It's VUCAting along. The amount of changes is pushing many companies to their limits. The key question here is: How do we move successfully in markets that are virtually unpredictable? One solution is agile thinking and working. How to establish this in organizations? One thing should be said in advance: There is no patent remedy - but there is the Agile Cycle® - a guideline that can be used to master the individual path to an agile organization in a structured manner.

This article is published in May 2023 by managerSeminare.

Hybrid meetings - the agile training arena

When it comes to the topic of "hybrid meetings," many teams start to groan. This new meeting format seems too exhausting and too demanding. But if you follow agile principles and want to promote agile working, you can't ignore hybrid meetings. Quite the opposite: these meetings are an agile training arena. They can be used to implement what agility is all about.

This article is published in November 2022 by managerSeminare.

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